
Did you know that you can grow your own pulses?

Find out how by picking up a chickpea from the Kitchen Garden and getting expert advice from our gardeners. 

Available every day from May from 16 May to 13 June, until we run out! 

Lauren, Kitchen Gardener says:

Chickpeas are easy to grow and actually very beautiful. We grow chickpeas in our grain bed as part of a demonstration of what can be grown to make bread. Crops like chickpeas are more important as our climate changes. You can see all our grain crops in the Kitchen Garden throughout the summer.

When you pick up your chickpea you will receive step by step guidance on what to do. You can also follow along the #ChiswickChickpeas challenge on our social media. Keep an eye out for updates! 

And don’t forget, thanks to the generosity of those who support us as a charity, the Kitchen Garden is now free to enter.