As a charity, we need to raise over £1 million every year – 75% of our annual costs. Our vibrant events programme generates crucial revenue, making a vital contribution towards these core costs and ensuring that we can keep the gates open from dawn to dusk, all year-round.
As always, we have an exciting year of events ahead, many of which are available for our community to attend, which means that there will be occasional closures of the House and parts of the gardens. Whatever the event, we never close the whole gardens and there will always be large areas open for everyone to enjoy. Please take a look at this page to plan your visit.
Kitchen Garden
The Kitchen Garden will remain open to the public during all our planned events. Entry is free.
The Kitchen Garden will open 3rd April until 27 October.
Chiswick House Closures
Chiswick House is now closed, it will be re-opening Spring 2025.
We offer group tours in the House all year round, find out more here.
For key events, we need to close some areas of the Gardens. You can find the details in the maps below.
During these closures, the majority of the Gardens remains open, including the cafe, toilets & playground. Signage will be in place to help you find your way around.